Life Recently

Hello & I have missed you!

Life has been differently lately, for all of us. Since this spring, I finished up school online, got engaged, and moved to a new city. My day to day schedule varies and having some sense of “normalcy” is comforting since I am so routine oriented! With fall coming up, I am excited to share comfy outfits, recipes I’ve been loving & my current wellness routine because it has changed a lot through this. Staying motivated can be challenging during a global pandemic but through connecting with you all through Instagram these past few months has inspired me to get back on the blog and bring it back to my main vision - editorial inspired content.


  1. Melissa Wood Health

    Getting back into a workout routine was intimidating. For a while I was relying on videos on IG Live and posted on Youtube, but having to search and keep tabs on various accounts just wasn’t working for my routine. I discovered Melissa Wood Health after hearing the reviews from a couple influencers. Her workouts are empowering and have made me feel strong inside and out. Trust me, the movements are not as easy as they look! The monthly membership is also very affordable & you are helping a small business!

  2. The Paprika 3 App

    These past few months I have been cooking most nights during the week & this app has made the process much easier by having a collection of recipes I can easily search through and create grocery store lists. Everyone in my family uses it - we constantly share each other different recipes to try.

  3. Skill Share

    I love graphic design and photography so having the ability to learn new skills during this time has been fun!

  4. The Odeko App

    This is the app I have been using to purchase coffee from local coffee shops these past few months. It gives me an excuse to get out every once and a while and supports local businesses.

  5. TikTok

    We all know Tiktok by now. It has been a major mood booster recently just to get a laugh in. A few must-follows include mitchell (mitchell crawford), theonlycb3, kelseaballerini, and vivianeaudiii (to name a few).